tiresome moi

pendant ce temps, à Paris

Tag: alphabets

Sidewalk Alphabet A-Z (Paris)

A, Avenue René-Coty, 6 January 2014A, Avenue René-Coty

Paris Alphabet: n

n, Bd Edgar Quinet, 16 March 2014n

Paris Alphabet: E

E, Bd Raspail, 18 Febuary 2014E



Only six more to go: G, M, N,S, W,Z

Paris Alphabet: F

F, Auguste-Blanqui, 2 February 2014F, Auguste-Blanqui

I cheated on this one. I saw the “F” laying on the sidewalk but noted an awkward protuberance. I briefly considered the propriety of intervention and then removed the offending bit of branch. Also, when returning the streamlined “F” to the sidewalk, I placed it so as to take advantage the sun.

Paris Alphabet: V

V, rue Gassendi, 23 January 2014V, rue Gassendi

Paris Alphabet: K

K, rue Hallé, 23 January 2014K, rue Hallé

Paris Alphabet: H

H, rue Rémy Dumoncel, 18 January 2014H, rue Rémy Dumoncel



This one didn’t smell so good.

16 down, 10 to go.

Paris Alphabet: u

u, rue Gassendi, 16 January 2014u, rue Gassendi

Paris Alphabet: J


J, Bd Raspail, 10 January 2014J, Bd Raspail

Paris Alphabet: P

P, Av. Denfert-Rochereau, 10 January 2014P, Av. Denfert-Rochereau